
I’m 21st

I’m 21st
Yet I have done nothing so far
Nothing that I will make myself and people around me proud of me

I’m 21st
Almost every time when I call my mom
“没识学人赚钱就酱panai 洗钱”
That is what my mom always said to me
And the next sentence will be

I’m 21st
Yet I still have to get money from my parent

I’m 21st
I’m not clever enough
Yet I’m not hardworking at all
I’m not talented enough
Yet I’m not determined to learn any new thing

I’m 21st

I’m 21st
And I think the only thing I changed from baby until now is just my height, weight and appearance
Nothing else

I’m 21st
Arghh I wish I still can grow taller
I’m not satisfy with my height seriously
At least let me grow higher a bit lar please
Err it’s 1 of my birthday wishes by the way LOL

I’m 21st
So what are the targets of my life?
Did I have any?